"Take Your Music Career to the Next Level: Manage, Promote, and Connect with Fans on the Go with Our Music Artist App"
- Add unlimited podcast episodes and shows
- Import podcasts from all major podcast distributors
- Subscribe buttons, show notes and bonus materials
- Sticky player & continuous playback through all your site pages
What You're Gonna Get:
*This Offer Is Not Available Anywhere Else*
- Customizable profiles: allow users to create profiles and personalize them with their favorite artists, genres, and podcasts
- Music streaming: enable users to stream and listen to their favorite artists' music, create playlists, and share them with friends.
- Podcast streaming: provide users with a vast library of podcasts in different categories such as news, sports, entertainment, education, and others.
- Shopping Cart to Purchase
- Editable Profile
- User-generated content: give users the ability to create their own podcasts and upload them to the platform for others to listen to.
- Event tracking: notify users about upcoming concerts and events of their favorite artists.
- Social sharing: allow users to share their music playlists and podcast episodes on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
- Personalized recommendations: use machine learning algorithms to suggest new music and podcasts based on the user's listening history and preferences.
- Offline playback: enable users to download their favorite music and podcasts and listen to them offline.
- In-app messaging: provide users with a messaging feature to connect with their friends and fellow music enthusiasts within the app.
- User feedback: give users the ability to rate and review podcasts and music, which can help others discover new content.
Price: $5000
*Financing Available for New Artist*
What Previous Clients Have To Say...
Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her
This app is designed for music artists to manage and promote their music, connect with fans, and keep track of their performances.
Yes, you can easily upload your music to the app and manage your music library from one central location.
Yes, the app provides analytics tools to help you track and analyze your music performance data, so you can make informed decisions about your music career.
Yes, you can sell tickets to your shows through the app, and even track your ticket sales and attendance data.
Yes, the app is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, so you can easily manage all aspects of your music career from one place.
Yes, the app is compatible with a range of devices, including both iOS and Android smartphones and tablets.